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August birthstone

August's birthstones are peridot , sardonyx , and spinel .

Peridot is a gemstone with an impressive refreshing green color like young grass. The mineral name olivine is said to be derived from its resemblance to the color of an olive fruit. It is said that it is sometimes included in meteorites, and they are called parasitic peridots .

Sardonyx is a type of agate , and refers to agate with striped patterns on a brown to reddish brown background. It is a gemstone that has been used as a material for cameos and intaglios since ancient times, and has been loved mainly in Europe. Those without stripes are called thirds.

Spinel is a gemstone that comes in many shades, including red, blue, and pink. It is often produced in the same octahedral shape as diamonds, and its rough form is also popular among collectors. With a high Mohs hardness of 8, it is a gemstone that can be enjoyed as everyday jewelry.

Karatz GemMagazine
" List of August birthstones and birthstones "

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Peridot 8.8mm/2.405ct loose Sale price¥22,800

Red spinel 0.195ct loose Sale price¥6,980

Star spinel 1.295ct loose Sale price¥15,800

Bicolor spinel 0.737ct loose Sale price¥29,800

Pink spinel 0.591ct loose Sale price¥12,800

Pink spinel 0.777ct loose Sale price¥17,800

Pink spinel 0.594ct loose Sale price¥12,800

Pink spinel 0.585ct loose Sale price¥12,800

Star spinel 1.259ct loose Sale price¥18,800

Star spinel 1.259ct loose Sale price¥18,800

Star peridot 0.143ct loose Sale price¥17,800

Star peridot 0.105ct loose Sale price¥12,800

Star peridot 0.068ct loose Sale price¥8,800

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