K18 turquoise x rock crystal ring
A beautiful turquoise color that resembles the sea. Combined with transparent quartz, it has a fresh and mysterious shine. The simple frame and arm highlight the charm of the jewelry, and you can't help but fall in love with it! It's great that you can wear it whenever you want, regardless of the outfit or occasion♪
・Type: Ring
・Nakaishi: Turquoise (pasted)
・Side stone: Quartz
・Built metal: K18
・Size: 11.0 (*Free resizing from 8.0 to 14.0)
・Accessories: Caratz quality guarantee card, case * We try to make sure that the color of the photo is the same as the real thing, but it may look slightly different from the real thing depending on the lighting at the time of shooting and the monitor environment you are using. Masu.
*Click here for information on scratches, chips, treatments, and inclusions.
*For other frequently asked questions, please click here .
*If paying by credit card, the security company may contact you to confirm your identity.
karatz_item_id: 21601521_ 22601941
・Type: Ring
・Nakaishi: Turquoise (pasted)
・Side stone: Quartz
・Built metal: K18
・Size: 11.0 (*Free resizing from 8.0 to 14.0)
・Accessories: Caratz quality guarantee card, case * We try to make sure that the color of the photo is the same as the real thing, but it may look slightly different from the real thing depending on the lighting at the time of shooting and the monitor environment you are using. Masu.
*Click here for information on scratches, chips, treatments, and inclusions.
*For other frequently asked questions, please click here .
*If paying by credit card, the security company may contact you to confirm your identity.
karatz_item_id: 21601521_ 22601941
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