Moissanite (moissanite) is a mineral that occurs naturally, but it is very rare and extremely rare, and most of the ones on the market are artificially created synthetic moissanites.
The dispersion rate is 0.104, more than twice as high as diamond (0.044), and it emits fire when exposed to light.

The mineral information of moissanite (moissanite) is as follows.

English name Moissanite (moissanite, moissanite)
chemical composition formula SiC
mohs hardness 9.24 - 9.5
specific gravity 3.22
refractive index 2.654 - 2.697

Colorless, black, blue, green, pink, orange, etc.

It is said that it was named moissanite in honor of Henri Moissan, who first discovered natural moissanite in the Canyon Diablo meteorite.

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