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Blue Moonstone *Includes common name

Among moonstones, those that exhibit a blue Schiller effect are called blue moonstones. It was once mined in Sri Lanka, but it is said that the mines have now been depleted and it is no longer mined.
Currently, what is being distributed as "Blue Moonstone" is often called andesine labradorite, peristerite, and white labradorite, which belong to the same feldspar group as moonstone and exhibit similar optical effects. "Blue Moonstone" is commonly used as the name (distribution name).

Karatz GemMagazine
" Blue Moonstone "

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Sold out Madagascar Andesine Labradorite (also known as Blue Moonstone) 1.370ct loose stone
Sold out アンデシン・ラブラドライト(通称名 ブルームーンストーン) 0.272ctルース
Sold out アンデシン・ラブラドライト(通称名 レインボームーンストーン) 0.908ctルース
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Sold out Andesine labradorite (common name: Blue Moonstone) 0.730ct loose
Sold out アンデシン・ラブラドライト(通称名 ブルームーンストーン) 2.07ctルース - KARATZ STORE|カラッツSTORE
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Sold out アンデシン・ラブラドライト(通称名 ブルームーンストーン) 0.301ctルース
Sold out アンデシン・ラブラドライト(通称名 ブルームーンストーン) 0.370ctルース
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Sold out Andesine labradorite (common name: Blue Moonstone) 0.630ct loose
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Sold out 【12521420掲載】アンデシン・ラブラドライト(通称名 レインボームーンストーン) 0.378ctルース
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