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Pezzotite is said to have been discovered in Madagascar in 2002, and is an attractive gemstone with a unique pink to raspberry red color. Gemstones generally have many inclusions, but depending on the cut, they can look like candy and give a lovely impression. It is also sometimes called "raspberyl" or "raspberry beryl."

Karatz GemMagazine
" Pezottite "

KARATZ Custom Made

Why not take your favorite gemstone that you found at KARATZ and have it made into custom-made jewelry? It will be made by skilled Japanese craftsmen.
We carefully craft each piece of jewelry, starting with the stone setting, to match the individual characteristics of the gemstone.

The fifth reprint has been decided and is now on sale at bookstores nationwide and online.

Written by KARATZ, book “Jewelry Illustrated Book”

The book provides explanations about over 300 types of gemstones, from new standard birthstones to rare stones that are hard to find, as well as a diary of our company representative, Mr. Koyama's, gemstone shopping experience in Thailand and Sri Lanka, and tips for photographing gemstones, allowing you to learn about the appeal of gemstones from various perspectives.